Las Ramblas Golf Society Results for w/c 14.1.19

Las Ramblas Golf Society Results for w/c 14.1.19
Las Ramblas Golf Society Results for w/c 14.1.19

Our week started with a 6x6x6. The fact that we had to start on the tenth tee confused a number of our (shall I say) more senior members but they got there in the end! Anyway, the top two teams both scored 77 points. On countback, the winners were (much to our surprise) Marleen Billen, Hendrick Oldenziel, Reg Akehurst and yours truly.

When the results for Wednesday’s Stableford were (eventually) announced in the correct order it was Terry Cullen who took the top spot with 34 points. With 33 points, separated on countback, Reg Akehurst took silver from Pete Dunn in third place. Just three ‘2’s today, Ken Robertson, Terry Cullen and (big drum roll) me!

Did you know? The Stableford points system was invented by Dr Frank Stableford and the first competition using this method of scoring was held at Wallasey Golf Club on the 16th May 1932.

We ended the week with four teams competing in a ‘Waltzer 1-2-3’. Winning by a comfortable margin, with 83 points, were Dave Pulling, Tom Hardie, John Shervell and (I’m almost too embarrassed to say) me! 

Pues, hasta la semana que viene

Peter Reffell