Petanca support for Stevie’s Mattress Appeal

Petanca support for Stevie's Mattress Appeal

The Las Filipinas Petanca Club held a competition on Monday 10th December and raised 654 euros for the San Jose Obrero Orphanage in Orihuela.

The club invited their members to a fun petanca competition, a BBQ lunch and held a raffle with very generous donations from local bars, restaurants and businesses.

The players were entertained during the lunch by ukulele players who practice at Las Filipinas Central Social and provided a great atmosphere for the occasion .

Petanca support for Stevie’s Mattress Appeal

The winner of the competition was Linda Ashworth who was pre-sented with her prize by Councillors Noelia Torres and Sole Soto from Ayuntamiento de San Miguel.

The cheque for 654 euros was presented to Stevie Spit by Ray Sanderson, Chairman of the Las Filipinas Petanca Club who thanked Stevie for attending.

Steve Spit gave a brief outline of the need for donations and said “ The money will be used to buy much needed mattresses for the Orphanage. Some of which are being delivered the following morning (11th)”

Ray Sanderson (Chairman) wished to thank the Ayuntamiento de San Miguel, Enrique, manager of the Filipinas Centro Social, the centre’s ukulele players, the local businesses who had given raffle prizes and donations, the Las Filipinas Petanca club committee for all of their hard work and the members who had given so gener-ously to make it such a successful day