Hondón Valley Branch – Great Pride

Hondón Valley Branch – Great Pride

The AGM of the Hondón Valley Branch of The Royal British Legion was a well attended evening, with both a new President and Chairman being elected. 

The President is Lt Col Peter Lodge MBE and he gave a very interesting and poignant speech on his time in the Army and commended the Legion for its work with those leaving the Armed Forces but suffering from PTSD.  Just one thread of the Legion’s support for its beneficiaries.

The Chairman, Neil Pavitt remarked on an amazing year, commencing with a District Award for Recruiting new members.  In August he and Roger Kingham, as Branch Standard Bearer, attended the GP90 Commemoration Ceremony in Belgium;   and he then talked of all the social activities and fund raising events of the year.  Neil paid tribute to the Committee and all the members who had helped support the Branch during the year in so many differing ways.  The Branch members showed their pride by loudly applauding our Standard which now displays the Ypres Scroll – being one of only two Branches in the whole of Spain who attended the event.  The other Branch being our colleagues from Mojacar.

The Christmas meeting will be held at The Fogon Restaurant in Hondón de los Frailes and for information regarding this or other Branch activities, please either visit the website: www.britishlegion.org.uk/branches/hondon-valley or contact the secretary on hondonvalley.secretary@rbl.community.  For Community support enquires, please ring 646 45 17 80

Our photo shows, l-r President: Lt Col Peter Lodge MBE, Standard Bearer Roger Kingham and Chairman Neil Pavitt – showing the official GP90 Certificate