Pego Golf Society Match November 4th 2018

Pego Golf Society Match November 4th 2018

We had 37 players today for a Stableford Competition including 3 guests, Graham Wise, Jan Jones and Roy Jones. Jan walked off with the guest prize with a score of 32 points.

The results were as follows:

Division 1

1st place Penny Barden with a great score of 39 points playing off 15.5

2nd place Peter Rapley with another great score of 38 points playing off 14.9

3rd place also with a great score of 38 points was Paul Sankey playing off 15.3

Division 2

!st place Dave Phillips with a great score 38 points playing off 31.6

2nd place Patrick Lynch with 37 points playing off 25.3

3rd place with 34 points was Fiona Sankey on the podium again with 34 points playing off 31.5.

Nearest The Pin on Hole 5 was Paul Sankey with 1.14m and on Hole 16 Derek Lindley with a great 0.57m.

The Sankeys will not be short of wine tonight!

There were 3 twos today won by Penny Barden, Derek Lindley and Colin Foster.

Colin finished off a rewarding day by guessing the correct number of Balls in the Water at 101.

There were 2 birthday prizes today generously donated by Paul Trigwell and John Nicol, won respectively by Mick Connolly and Malcolm Wise.

Next Tuesday we have our Annual Turkey Trot, 3 clubs and a putter and a prize for the Best Costume. Any guest mad enough to want to play, subject to handicap, contact Penny Barden at