Montgo Golf Society Medal

Montgo Golf Society Medal

Friday 28th September saw Montgo Golf Society playing a medal competition for the MGS Decanter, sponsored by Neil Carter. This week the course was sadly in a very poor state.  Not only were the temporary greens still in play, but two of the fairways looked as though they had been rotovated.  

We also had our Tee´s changed after play had commenced on the tenth Tee.  Our first group was already on the green when they were informed that they had to restart on the 1st Tee. 

We understand that Oliva are doing all in their power repair the course, but some member´s patience is running a little low. I shall be writing to Oliva Nova on behalf of Montgo to see if there is a chance of compensation for its members as we have not had a fully functional course for over a month now.  

Despite these difficulties the scores on the day were surprisingly good with over half the field, albeit a small field, coming in in the net seventies.  Top spot was decided on countback with Arthur Burrows taking home the trophy with a net 70 points. 

´Grumbling´ Peter Gardiner ´ took second place also with net 70 points.  Third place went to Jim Hayward with net 71.  Four more unique MGS mugs, made by Marian, were awarded on card draw to four very happy recipients.

The gents NTP second shot on the fifth went to Gordon Gleeson at 2.62 meters and Sally Burrows took the ladies NTP on the 16th at 2.50 metres.  There were no twos awarded today.

I forgot to report last week that one of the last pairs matches was played out between Arthur and Sally Burrows, and Richard Fox and Denise Cooper.  Richard and Denise only just won, one up after a very tight match.  They will now be in the final against John Day and, new Vice, Geoff Willcock.

Lastly I am happy to report that John Lamont successfully came through his heart bypass operation last week, and is now recovering at home.  I´m certain all members wish him a full and speedy recovery.

Next week´s competition is a stableford sponsored by Sue Burman and Dennis Hammond.