Montgo GS stableford competition

Montgo GS stableford competition

On Friday 21st September Montgo GS played a stableford competition sponsored by Marian and Neil Carter, in honour of their grandson.  We had just 16 players this week, due in part to the poor condition of the course.  Carolina, course Director, did go to each flight in our society, while we were playing, to apologise in person for the ongoing problems in getting the course back to its previously pristine condition.  We all hope this will be sooner, rather than later.

Our sponsors also deserve special mention…well Marian deserves special mention as she has been a very busy bee, creating our prizes.  Not only were our unique MGS mugs on offer, but also some fabulous glassware that Belinda had etched herself.  It seems there is no end to her talents for which we are very grateful.  I´m sure Neil provided lots of encouragement, and possibly the odd cuppa or glass of vino.

This week´s lucky recipients were…in top spot Shaun O´Gorman, collecting the first of his many goodies, with 36 points.  Pushed into second place on countback Peter Gardiner also had 36 points.  Whilst in third place, with 35 points, we had Graham Borley.  Shaun also collected both NTP prizes, and in consequence also had two two´s and took home 2 coveted Montgo balls.  Denise Cooper also had a two and collected a Montgo ball.

Neil will also be sponsoring next week´s medal MGS decanter competition which this year is just one round of golf.