Web portals will require proof that rental properties are registered with the authorities in the Valencian Community

Web portals will require proof that rental properties are registered with the authorities in the Valencian Community
Left to right: Almudena Ucha (Rentalia), Joseba Augusto (Niumba), Jannich Friis (Spain-Holiday.com) and José Antonio Bonache (HomeAway).

The Spanish Association of Plataformas Digitales de Alquiler Temporal (Digital Platforms for Short-term Rentals), also known as PAT, has said that it will insist that all short-term rental property listed on its platforms will only be advertised if they are registered with the official number required by the authorities of the the Valencian Community.

There are more than 40,000 holiday homes in the Valencian Community and the association has said that it will collaborate with the Spanish authorities to ensure that quality accommodation is offered and to provide maximum transparency to the holiday rental sector.

PAT was established in June 2018 with the goal of promoting responsible tourism. In its statutes, it states it main functions are the promotion of responsible tourism, the promotion of dialogue, cooperation and good practices, and the preparation of proposals in relation to the regulation of housing for tourist use or temporary rental use. The Association aims to promote dialogue with travelers, owners and communities; promote a responsible coexistence, and improve the reputation of the vacation rental platforms.

“We want to be part of the decisions that affect us, betting on dialogue and understanding with the administration and local communities, and responsible and fair tourism, which distributes the benefits that the tourist generates among a greater number of hands”, states PAT President, Almudena Ucha.

The association is composed of HomeAway, Rentalia, Spain-Holiday.com and Niumba.

Airbnb is not currently a member of PAT.

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