CLARO planning to wake up the Orihuela Costa

CLARO planning to wake up the Orihuela Costa

The Orihuela political party CLARO has released two pamphlets recently entitled ‘Your right to vote’ and ‘Financial Autonomy for the Orihuela Costa’. Both can also be found on their Facebook page ( and their website ( alongside a whole host of other relevant information.

Both pamphlets are currently being extensively distributed by Party activists.

The first pamphlet explains the importance of obtaining an NIE number, how to register on the local Padron, and how also to obtain residency.

It describes the need for everyone who is living in the area to be registered on the Padron, from which the Spanish Office of National Statistics (INE) gathers its annual data.  It is also by using this data that National Government is able to make its budgetary allocations to municipal councils, funding from which is used to provide local services.

Needless to say, if your details don’t appear on the Padron your Town Hall will not receive any financial allocation for your support. This will affect essential services such as your medical care, refuse collection, schooling, maintenance of roads and so forth, so you owe it to yourself and to your community to ensure that you are properly registered.

The Padron is most often compared to that of the British electoral roll. This is because as once registered, each adult individual is also entitled to the right to vote, most important in view of the upcoming Municipal Elections which will be held throughout Spain next May.

The Padrón is simply a local municipal register of residents. It does not mean that once you have registered, you will be subject to fiscal checks or tax inspections. Many ex-pats bypass the issue of registration due to this misconception.

Do be aware, however, that there is now a new system, whereby anyone wishing to apply for, or to renew a Padron, must make a prior appointment with the office through thereby alleviating long queues.

CLARO carry all the relevant information on their Facebook page. They will also be on hand outside the Playa Flamenca Town Hall, every morning this week, from 8am, where they can help by making your appointment or by explaining the procedure to you.

The third part of the brochure deals with Residencia and the procedure for your application.

The second pamphlet issued this week by CLARO, entitled ‘Financial Autonomy for the Orihuela Costa’, explains the poor financial deal currently being provided to the coast by the Municipal Government in Orihuela whereby, despite contributing 60% of the total budget, coastal residents receive less than 20% back in services.

It appeals to residents to join with them, and many others, at a peaceful manifestation and short march, being organised next Friday by the Movimiento Ciudadano La Zenia, starting at 6.30 pm at La Zenia Beach. The march is intended to highlight the significant budgetary shortfall in the local area and lack of local services which affects ever single resident and visitor to the Orihuela Costa.