Lo Crispin Golf at Hacienda del Alamo

The Med Bar Golf Society.

The Society on 13th. June played an Individual Stableford Competition for the first time in its history, at Hacienda Del Alamo. This fact coupled with its considerable distance from Lo Crispin and the vagaries and inconsistencies of satnav systems.

A number of members arrived with little time to spare before the 1st. tee off time ! Clearly the whole complex, situation and set up at Hacienda Del Alamo is undoubtedly impressive. Unfortunately, the Course in the opinion of the majority of the 30 members and 2 guests who teed it up on the day, was a disappointment.

A good proportion of the numerous bunkers were classified as GUR (Ground Under Repair) and those that weren’t had little sand in them, with a layer of what looked like little gravel stones on top! Further the greens had obviously been hollatined recently, which produced uneven rolls and made judgement of pace difficult.

The above issues along with a strong breeze into players faces on many holes and the length of the course (one of the longest in Spain), no doubt greatly accounted for the relatively poor scores. As usual after the game,  following the long drive back to Lo Crispin we returned to Lo Crispin Tavern, where the helpful  and welcoming staff also  provided us with welcome Tapas. The prize winners were as follows :

Gold Division: 1st. Place – Alan Watson 29 pts off 14, 2nd. Place – Ron Perkins 26 pts. off 10, 3rd. Place – Ray Moles 25 pts. off 1

Silver Division: 1st. Place – Paul Flanaghan – 28 pts. off 24 (on count back), 2nd. Place – Sue Smith – 28 pts. off 26, 3rd. Place – Alan Crain – 28 pts. off 23

NTPs on Par 3s: Hole 5 – Ron Perkins, Hole 8 – No one managed to reach or stay on the green. Hole 12 – Carl Peden. Hole 15 – Sue Smith

The 2s pot was claimed by Alan Watson – Free Game Draw winner – Brian Coultate.

The next main game at Altoreal on 27th. June is 4 ball better ball competition and the next interim game is at Font Del Llop on 20th. June.

Anyone interested in joining the Society or wishes to play with us as a guest, should contact any committee member, whose details can found on the Society’s website.

Steve Harrington (Membership and Handicap Secretary)