Connections tackles the plight of the lonely

Connections tackles the plight of the lonely

The plight of the lonely and isolated within the community is something that has been high on the agenda for the local CARE group for many months.  HELP Vega Baja decided that they would take a step towards supporting those who are lonely or who, for whatever reason, feel they would benefit from someone to talk to.

From the 1st July this year, the charity will extend their existing 24-hour non-medical emergency helpline to incorporate a new “Connections Team”.  This team will be available 24 hours a day, 375 days a year to not only provide advice and information on all the usual requests that come through regularly on the helpline, but who are also trained to offer guidance and support to anyone who wants to talk with them.

Michele Masson, President of HELP Vega Baja said “through our talks to groups etc. around the area and discussions with other organisations, we are very aware of the plight of people in the community who are experiencing difficult times and who may benefit from having someone to talk with. 

This new service will enable people to pick up the phone at any time of the day or night and chat with a caring, compassionate and trained volunteer who will listen to their concerns, offer guidance where it is appropriate or simply be at the other end of the phone when that person needs to talk. 

People often feel like they are the only ones struggling but nothing could be further from the truth. Many people around us struggle with life, loneliness, grief and other issues and talking to someone who is non-judgmental can make the world of difference to their lives.  We know we can rely upon our supporters to spread the word about this service. 

It is our aim to help people whenever we can and wherever it is needed, whether this is working alone or alongside other charities.  The new service is the beginning of a new chapter for the charity and we are very excited about the future”

The Connections Team service is in addition to the charity’s existing services which they offer through their centre in San Miguel, La Marina Helpdesk and all other areas within the community where HELP Vega Baja is represented.

If you would like to find out more about the Connection Team or HELP Vega Baja charity, contact their San Miguel Centre on 966 723 733, email or visit their website at or their Facebook page.