Quesada Bowling club – Spanish Nationals Results

QBC Mens and Ladies Triples Champions - Front: Melanie Highland, Jacqui Johnston, Deidre Leeming.  Rear: Peter Morgan, Paul Parkes, Terry Morgan.

For the past couple of weeks Quesada members have been heavily involved in the Spanish Nationals which took place at Emerald Isle Bowling Club.

Its been a successful competition for Quesada Bowls Club. Whilst this Nationals competition hasn’t had the largest of entries, all of the players taking part acknowledged that it’s been one of the strongest and most competitive event with some incredible bowling at a very high level.

Ladies Triples Champions

Congratulations to QBC’s Melanie Highland, Deidre Leeming and Jacqui Johnston taking the ladies triples championship with a convincing win over a very strong ladies team from San Miguel.

Men’s Triples Champions

Congratulations to QBC’s Terry Morgan, Peter Morgan & Paul Parkes taking the men’s triples title with a very convincing win over a strong team from San Miguel.

In the Mens singles final QBC’s Paul Parkes took on Ian Kenyon from San Luis in one of the most nail biting matches. Throughout the game the lead swung from one player to the other, then Ian was able to pick up 4 shots close to the end of the game, and despite some incredible bowls from Paul he was unable to save the day, and Ian went on to take the title.

Carol Broomfield and Peta Rhodes reached the quarter finals of the ladies pairs. Unfortunately one had to lose after we had been privileged to watch an incredible display of bowling. Peta went on to play the semi finals against Mary Dyer, who went on to became the ladies singles champion. Peta and Carol were also the semi finalists in the ladies pairs.

What has been very obvious during this Nationals competition is the tremendous camaraderie which has been evident among the Quesada players taking part, with people turning up every day to support their fellow players.

Finally, and this has been expressed by all the players in the competition, a big, big thank you to all of you who turned up at Emerald Isle to give your support – it was wonderful to hear the cheers of support coming from the sidelines.

QBC Mens and Ladies Triples Champions – Front: Melanie Highland, Jacqui Johnston, Deidre Leeming.  Rear: Peter Morgan, Paul Parkes, Terry Morgan.