The Optima Optica Trophy La Marina Golf Society

The Optima Optica Trophy La Marina Golf Society

One of our major trophies led us to play the magnificent course at Alicante golf to compete in a Texas scramble despite our early misgivings about the weather, it turned into a warm and sometimes sunny day, and resulted in an extremely hard fought match with 5 teams separated by only 4 stableford points.

Runners up were Bill Stobo , Debbie Jones, Alan Craig and Frank Cullen with 45points on countback ,also with 45 points, were the 3 -ball of Bill England, Colin Yarnton and Garry Garbett and they were presented with the trophy by our Captain  Elspeth Craig.

Only two nearest the pins which were won by Tim Ruse and Alan Craig, although it might have been three had the trophy winners remembered to put out the marker on the 17th green.

Once again, many thanks to opticians Optima Optica for sponsoring the cup.

Also thanks to Helena and Paolo at the La Marina Sports Centre for providing us with sandwiches and pasta after the game.

Our next game is at El Plantio on 10th May at a cost of 45 euros, first tee 10.24.

As usual, the list is on the board at the La Marina Club.

A reminder about our next quiz night on 15th may. Contact Iain Lyall on  for full details.