Final Curtain for San Fulgencio mayor

Final Curtain for San Fulgencio mayor

Carlos Ramírez, mayor of San Fulgencio, has, at long last, called a Council Emergency plenary session for Wednesday 2nd May at which it is understood the only item on the agenda is in “presenting a motion of no confidence in the Mayor, Carlos Ramírez Sansano, following his disqualification last November by the Criminal Court of Orihuela.”

Despite the fact that the judicial decision, sentencing him to disqualification from public office for a period of eight and a half years, was issued ‘with immediate effect’ the mayor has continued to take decisions and remain in office.

It is now understood, however, that from the moment that the motion is presented he will be required to leave his office which will be immediately assumed by a member of his current government team which is currently formed by one UPyD and five Partido Popular councillors, who have been suspended from their party after refusing to dismiss the mayor.

The elected candidate will then remain in office until the next Plenary Session when a new mayor will be elected.

Carlos Ramírez will be replaced by the number 8 on the PP list and the UPyD councillor, Mariano Martí, who resigned himself earlier in the week, will be replaced by the number 2 on the APSFU list who is believed to be Briton Mark Lewis who famously served as ‘Mayor for the day’ some years ago.