Alfie’s Golf Society – Eclectic Cup – Second Round

Our winner of the day in the silver division was Gary Armstrong with a great score of 36

Vistabella -Thursday 26th April 2018

32 members and guests from Alfie’s GS travelled to Vistabella GC for second round of our Eclectic Cup  on April 26th. After 2 days of heavy rain the course was in good condition and the greens as always quite quick with many players 3 putting on a lot of the greens.

The fairways were improving now that the warmer weather is here and it will not be long before the course is back to its very best. The presentation was held back at Alfie’s bar where a buffet was enjoyed by all the players, kindly donated by Alfie’s bar. A big thank you to Rose and Jim who provided our normal buffet back at the bar. We continued with the 2 categories “GOLD” & “SILVER”.                                                           

Our winner of the day in the silver division was Gary Armstrong with a great score of 36 stableford points playing off a handicap of 22. Gary was presented with the first prize golf vouchers and golf balls.

Second place went to Graham Lavery with 32 stableford points playing off 28.The Winner of the gold division was one of our sponsors Steve Bicks who had a score of 33 points playing off 12 and won golf vouchers and golf balls. Second place went to our current Captain Ian Ingledew who had 32 stableford points playing off 16 he has come second twice now so maybe he might be lucky next time out. Best Guest went to Sandy Ewen with 36 stableford points.

Nearest the pin in three on hole 14 – Sponsored by ‘The Street Restaurant’ went to Peter Golder.

Nearest the pin on hole 2 – sponsored by ‘The Auld Dubliner‘ went to match secretary Joe Murphy

Nearest the Pin on hole 7 – sponsored by ’The Celtic Drop’ went to Stuart Armour

Nearest the pin in two shots on hole 12 – sponsored by Alfie’s Bar was won by guest Neil Ewen

The Blind pairs was won by Paul Skillet and our President Ian Connell.

Many thanks to our sponsors, our committee for their hard work in the background, and to Mike Probert from Costa Blanca Green Fee Services for arranging our day. 

To Rose and Jim and staff at Alfie’s Bar for their support throughout the year.

Big Thank you to Sandie Hall for organising the charity raffle and prizes.

And finally, thanks to all the members for supporting Alfie’s Golf Society.

The next venue will be held at Elle Valle on May 31st for our Presidents Day with the presentations and dinner held at the Street restaurant.