Ciudadanos demands solution to Torrevieja’s “impassable” pavements

Ciudadanos demands solution to Torrevieja's "impassable" pavements

“The image of neglect and the lack of protection for pedestrians in the vicinity of the Torrevieja Court is intolerable,” according to Ciudadanos (Cs) Councillor Pilar Gómez Magán, who has asked the council to “urgently resolve this unfortunate situation that has persisted for many years without remedial action from any of the city’s recent governments.

She says that the appalling situation is undermining the image of the city in an area used by many hundreds of people who go to the courts every day along this extremely precarious route.

The councillor echoes a recurrent complaint from residents and users of the courts and the adjacent Civil Guard headquarters.

The fencing and the many obstructions along the streets C/Moriones, San Pascual, Habaneras and Patricio Zammit need to be resolved as a matter of urgency following the bankruptcy of the company that was carrying out building work in the area over ten years ago.

The councillor says that rectification of the situation was also a demand of Los Verdes when they were in opposition three years ago, something that they seem to have ignored since coming to power.