Greenlands Bowls Club by Dave Webb

Greenlands Bowls Club by Dave Webb

Well, for our first game in the summer league the Gladiators were away to La Siesta Wasps by who they were well and truly stung!! Final score was – Total shots 75- 133.  Points 3- 11. Winning rink was  Vic Young, Ann Butterworth and Jim Wilcock, 16-14.

On Tuesday we had a visiting team from the West Country, Mr Darts Team. The Weather was kind to us and we all enjoyed the company and the bowling. On Wednesday in the VCL the Jasmines were at Home to Country Bowls Herons. After a somewhat dodgy start the members pulled their socks up and finished well to give us a good result once again. Final scores were – Total shots 85-81. Points 8-4 The Winning rinks were, Pairs – Jean Thompson and Mel Brown, 20-16.  Triples, Janet Webb, Ronnie Stansfield, Tony Hodges 25-10.  Rinks, Brian Tomlin, Margaret Dewar, Jim Wilcock, Barry Collins 15-13.

On Thursday we entertained Gosforth Empire Bowls Club and as usual we had a very competitive and friendly game. The weather was superb and we all thoroughly enjoyed the bowling, afterwards there was a BBQ which once again proved to be very popular and enjoyed by everyone. Thanks to Haley for her help with the food preparation and sterling work behind the bar also to our Chef of the day John O’Leary for serving everyone with speed and dexterity.

There are no League matches next week due to the Champion of Champions so we wish all our entrants to this competition the very best of luck. For all enquiries please contact Haley on 966 84 4399 or visit our website bowls club