Eurogolf Waltz and Tuesday TOFFS

Eurogolf Waltz and Tuesday TOFFS

On Thursday 12th April Eurogolf played the team game of a Waltz which is where you take 1 score on the 1st hole, 2 scores on the 2nd and 3 to count on the 3rd. and so forth It was a very cold and blustery day but some amazing scores were recorded.

The first prize was a draw but on count back of the last 6 holes the overall winners was the team of George McCallum, Glen Roberts, Pam Welsh and Phyllis Venables 85 the runners up being Jeff Lynch, Geoff Evans, John Fairhurst  and a ghost player 85 3rd Martin Rogers, Caryn Van De Krujis, David Horne and Ann Rogers 79  

NTP´s 5th Clive Horne 11th  Claire Daye-Gretton 12th in 2 Clive Horne 15th Terry Sayers 17th John Conolly Football draw Debbie Weedon, Bill Martin, Diane Bailey, Albert Cook and Tony Stanley


On Tuesday 10th April Toffs  played their normal stableford competition and the results were overall winners 1st Glen Roberts 40 2nd Pete Cleaver 37c/b 3rd Alan Venables 37 4th John Hill 36 Cat 1 1st John Barraclough 36 c/b 2nd George McCallum 36 Cat 2 1st Gordon Bourne 35 c/b  2nd Geoff  Evans 35

Cat 3 1st Clare Daye-Gretton 2nd Ken Brett 31 NTP´s 5th Pete Gartside  11th Phyllis Venables 12th in 2 Georghe McCallum 15th George McCallum 17th Bob Shorley  Best front 9 Sue Gillett 21 Best back 9 Felix Mallon 21 Football draw Bill Martin x 2 J. Stone Tony Forbes and John Flynn