Country Bowls welcome La Marina in the VCL by Jo Richardson

Country Bowls welcome La Marina in the VCL by Jo Richardson

We had a beautiful bright morning on Sunday for our ‘fun day’ Easter competition. Our winners were Karen Kirk in the ladies section and joint winners in the men’s section were Dennis Birkett & Adam James. Well done.

The Easter bonnets were amazing and the winner of the best went to Pat Emmett with her prize being presented by Anna Garry. 2nd prize went to Dot Davies.

Country Bowls Club entertained La Marina on Wednesday on a sunny but windy day, the wind made bowling a little tricky.

La Marina started well and by half way were ahead in both the singles and pairs but Country Bowls had the advantage on the rinks and trips. The second half was a different tale, although Country Bowls were dominant in the trips and the men’s singles came with a strong finish, La Marina came through in the ladies singles and overcame the pairs. The rinks were even with two ends remaining but fell at the 17th and lost by 6.

A friendly but competitive game was eventually won by La Marina with a score of 8 – 4.

Country Bowls would like to thank the markers and the spectators for their continuing support. The scores are as follows;

Ladies Singles – Brenda Jiggins 14 – 21, Men’s Singles – Geoff Paylor 21 – 19, Pairs – Pat Emmett & Gordon Dixon. 09 – 23, Triples – Graham Richardson, John Mallet & Andrew Bryce 16 – 13, Rinks – Lynne Bryce, Dave Smith, Geoff Eggleton & Ray Emmett 15 – 21. Overall Country Bowls 75 & La Marina 97

For more information on Country Bowls please visit our website or telephone 966 19 1552.