Mojácar hands out its 1,oooth free bus pass

The 1,000th card was presented to an Irish resident who has lived in Mojácar with his wife for over 18 years

Mojácar Council has just issued its 1,000th card that entitles those aged 65 and on the Mojácar Padrón to travel for free on the local yellow bus.

Almost five years ago, the Transport Councillor, Emmanuel Agüero Leclerc, met with the company that manages the town’s public transport to find a way for all senior residents, whatever their nationality, to travel free at any time and as much as they liked.

Since September 2013, when the Council processed the first application, many of Mojácar’s seniors have travelled around the town free of charge, helping their mobility and to keep up contact with family and friends, as well as making a very important saving for them.

Unlike the subsidies that are handed out by other towns or the Andalucían Government, Mojácar seniors do not need to have to have any disability or make applications to Social Services for the pass as, simply being 65 years old and an official resident of Mojácar is sufficient.

The importance of this initiative and how it has been welcomed is shown by this landmark figure, which has been reached in a relatively short time.

The 1,000th card was presented to an Irish resident who has lived in Mojácar with his wife for over 18 years and, is a regular user of public transport.  The bus pass was handed over personally by Emmanuel Agüero Leclerc who had a chat with the latest beneficiary of the scheme.

Following Mojácar’s general population trend, the free urban transport card has been given to seniors of a number of different nationalities, although Spanish and British remain the most numerous