Sunshine Radio Petanca League


Hi everyone, its that time again. The end of the Winter League followed by the Presentation at Domino’s Bar, Los Altos, on 21st March 2018. We thank Colin Kernahan and his staff  for a lovely meal, followed by a raffle.

The presentation went as follows, with Cups and medals awarded.

Cup winners: Guardamar Petanca Club

Runners up:   El Mirador Hawks

Plate winners: Domino McCoys, Runners up:  Domino Pheonix

Division One

Winners: Rocajuna, 2nd Domino McCoys, 3r dDomino Pheonix

Division Two

Winners: Amigos Belgas, 2nd  Lakeside Lions, 3rd  Domino Knights

Division Three

Winners: Amigos Belgas 2, 2nd  Laguna Rosa Bubbles, 3rd Boulero

The League has only two weeks break before the Summer League starts on Wednesday 28th March.I am sure it will be as successful as the Winter League has been.

If anyone would like to have a try at petanca, you can look at the website for a club near you. It is sunshineradiopetanca.

Look for clubs and secretaries, and contact them.

Happy Summer League everyone. Enjoy!!!!!!

Jeanette Mapson