La Marina Golf Society @ Alicante Golf

La Marina Golf Society @ Alicante Golf

A strong wind, rain and a plummeting temperature was the order of the day when we met to play our annual captain versus vice-captains’ match.

The trophy had previously always been won by the captain’s team although captain Elspeth was in a pessimistic mood before proceedings began.

However, her fears proved groundless as her team swept the board with a total of 345 stableford points to the vice-captain’s total of 286.she humbly accepted the trophy and thanked her team for their contributions, but stopped short of buying a round.

Probably due to the weather, overall scoring was low and the silver award went to John Thompson with 33points and the gold award to Barry Thorogood with 29points.

Nearest the pins to Vic Smith, Bill Stobo, Alan Craig and Mark Leigh.

The two’s pot went unclaimed ,although John Milton had a 2 but had not contributed to the pot , and to complete his day he fell in a lake whilst retrieving his ball and was wet through up to his neck.

Our next meeting is for the committee trophy at Font del Llop on March 29th, 10.00 start at a cost of 50 euros. Contact Alan Craig on 634 347 788 or put your name on the sheet at the sports complex.

Our next social event is a quiz night on April 3rd at the sports complex. Contact Iain Lyell on 966 39 3203 or