28/2/18 T.M.G.S. Visit Alenda Golf

28/2/18 T.M.G.S. Visit Alenda Golf
28/2/18 T.M.G.S. Visit Alenda Golf

40 members and guests competed in a Stableford competition on a very short course! Most of the tee boxes were under repair so the male members found themselves playing their 2nd shots from some very different places, in some cases they were too close to the green! High scores were expected and because of this we were not disappointed.

The best score of the day came from Scotsman Jim Imrie, scoring 41 points playing of 5 handicap. Apart from the tee boxes the course was in good condition but the greens for most of us proved to be a little tricky, that is unless your name happens to be Bill Wylie who managed to drop his tee shot 3 ft. from the pin on his N.T.P. Hole 16 and sink the putt for his birdie 2 earning him a cool €70 it being the only 2!

Results: Best guest T. Maguire 25 points. N.T.P.´S hole 3 M. Skipperud. Hole 5 O. Rong, hole 13 T. Svensen, hole 16 B. Wylie. Bronze cat: 3rd S. Twentyman 31 pts. 2nd L. Holmberg 36 pts. 1st A. Kilnes 38 pts. Silver cat: 3rd B. Gillies 32 pts. 2nd R. Nilsen 35 pts. 1st K. Aasebo 39 pts. Gold cat: 3rd T. Svensen 32 pts. 2nd G. Cromm 35 pts. 1st J. Imrie 41 pts.  Photo Gold category winners.

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