Your opportunity to improve sporting facilities on the Orihuela Costa

Your opportunity to improve sporting facilities on the Orihuela Costa

Officers from FAOC, the Federación de Asociaciones de Orihuela Costa-Alicante, along with delegates from schools, sports clubs and other associations, met with council recently, to discuss the Municipal Sports Plan and in particular, the existing needs, development and progress, of sports facilities for residents of the Orihuela Costa.

At the meeting they were asked to formulate a bid of sports requirements for all residents situated on the coast together with their thoughts on the state of any current facilities.

However they were told that the bid must be submitted by the end of February if it is to attract any municipal funding otherwise the Orihuela Costa will once again go without.

The form can be found in English, Spanish, German on the FAOC Facebook page at

It can also be downloaded from the Facebook pages of their affiliated Associations and from this article (FAOC Survey ENGLISH).

When complete it should be despatched by email to

The objective of the survey is quite simple, to identify the sporting habits and preferences of the Orihuela Costa so that new equipment and facilities can be introduced and current facilities can be repaired and improved.

It asks for your sporting habits and frequency as well as your opinion of the facilities that are currently available in your area.

It also asks for your opinion on those current facilities, their location and their current state.

FAOC have said that they will consolidate and summarise all of the returns, and will submit them to the Department of Sports, so that the state of facilities available on the coast are better suited to the needs of its residents.

This is your opportunity to be involved in the repair and improvement of current facilities as well as the planning of sporting resources on the Orihuela Costa in the future. Please take time to complete the form and return it as soon as you possible can to