Horadada move to top of Fed 4’s League

Emerald Isle Bowls Club
Emerald Isle Bowls Club

Horadada Bowls Club by Barry Evans

We had a bye on Monday so our first match of the week was in the Fed 4’s league away against San Luis Bazas. This match was played in great spirit and we managed to come away with a 58-49 shot win gaining 6 points.

Our winning rinks were: Linda Hier, Les Davis, Margaret O’Dell and Jeff Hier 26 – 18, Jenny Davis, Ron O’Dell, Jack Linehan and Terry Hucknall 22 – 15

This result will put us at joint top of the league so well done Horadada.

Friday gave us a home game against Emerald Isle Outlaws. Congratulations to all who played in this game which started in reasonable conditions but which got worse and worse as the game went on.

The game was terminated by mutual consent after 12 ends had been played on each rink with the overall shot score at 82-65 and 10- 4 points to Horadada. Our winning rinks were, Les Davis, Mick Kirby and Alan Miller  16 – 4, Pat Patton, Fred Trigwell and Brian Patton  14 – 11, Roy Thompson, John Hurlock and Terry Hucknall  19 – 7, John Goddard, Wayne Osguthorpe and Barry Evans  17 – 5

I suppose we shouldn’t complain about the weather as it is February! We have a bye next week so let’s hope for a big improvement.