Extra capacity for the Samaritans courtesy of Caledonia Lodge

Extra capacity for the Samaritans courtesy of Caledonia Lodge
Extra capacity for the Samaritans courtesy of Caledonia Lodge

Caledonia Lodge, which meets in Quesada, was at the Punta Prima office of the Samaritans in Spain on Friday afternoon, where the Master, Sid Formby, and Past Master, Mike Knight, presented the charity with an All in One PC and 4 mobile telephones, costing a thousand euros.

Trustees Ole Jung, Jane Troubridge and Niesa King accepted the equipment which Jane said would be put into immediate use.

The phones will be placed with the charity’s listeners while the PC will be used in the main office where it will provide valuable support to the administrators.

The Samaritans was the chosen charity of Mike Knight during his year as Worshipful Master so this was the 2nd donation made by the Caledonia Lodge in recent months.

More information can be found about the Caledonia Lodge from the secretary by email: sec68@glpvalencia.com or at the website: www.caledonialodge68.com

Samaritans in Spain, meanwhile, is an organisation operated by unpaid Volunteers who help people experiencing emotional difficulties. They are based in Punta Prima details of which are available on their very comprehensive website: www.samaritansinspain.com