Orihuela Costa Community Care

Spanish classes have proved to be extremely popiular
Spanish classes have proved to be extremely popiular

The Orihuela Costa Drop in Centre has an extensive range of activities that it will continue to expand in 2018 but, unsurprisingly, it is the Spanish language classes that continue to attract most interest.

Whether it be learning Spanish for the first time or the improvement of your language skills there are sessions for everyone at the Lomas de Cabo Roig complex.

Wednesday 17th January is the first monthly Coffee Mornings of the year from 10.30am till 12pm, with a Guest Speaker from the De Vere Group.  Coffee, Tea and cakes are available for a donation.

Since opening on 11th September, only 4 months ago, 85 members of many different nationalities have now joined the Orihuela Costa Association, proof of a desire to integrate whilst living in the Orihuela Costa and enjoy our time in the sun.  


Mondays: 12.30pm till 2pm.  Spanish Beginners session.  Full, 2.30pm till 4pm.   Spanish Beginners session. New class. 2pm till 3.3pm     Spanish Intermediate   New Class

Wednesdays: 2pm till 3.30pm.  Spanish Beginners session.   Full Class, 2pm till 4pm.   Art sessions, oils, sketching and watercolours.   

Thursdays: 1pm till 3.30pm.   Card making sessions with Instructor Jackie Cameron, great fun, making personalised birthday, anniversary and Xmas cards, a wonderful way to relax with friends.   

Thursdays: 12.45pm till 1.30pm.  Gentle exercise to music with Instructor Angela Nicholson.   Angela also is a Craft Instructor and can stay on to demonstrate her knowledge to anyone wishing to learn.

Thursdays: Drumming and percussion workshop with Instructor ‘Nick’.   1pm till 2pm

We hope to encourage music sessions to be held Mondays and Wednesdays as well as Thursdays.  There are suggestions to hold Singing sessions and Tea Dance sessions for all ages and nationalities, these can be organised if enough people want them.

Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays. Craft sessions will start once there are enough students.  We only have 3 people, we need 5 or more.  

The Drop In Centre is somewhere for everyone to enjoy social activities, all ages and nationalities.   It also houses a well-stocked lending library which operates every Monday – Thursday from 1-5pm.

If you would like to join and of these sessions, contact Norah or Eva by email: oc.communitycare@gmail.com

The centre is also close to opening a branch of the Cruz Roja Alicante, (Red Cross) which will offer First Aid Training Courses and support to the Community of Orihuela Costa.   It also intends to develop a Stroke Support Branch for Orihuela Costa.

Over €5000 was raised by the Christmas period for the Tasha Appeal Campaign with the support of the Card making group and Floral arranging group at Alfonso’s Restaurant but to continue to raise the funds needed for her care and treatment, we need volunteers to help with daily bucket collections daily at Zenia Boulevard and Saturday collections at the Celtic Isle. Please contact oc.communitycare@gmail.com if you can help.