Busy start to San Luis New Year

Busy start to San Luis New Year
Busy start to San Luis New Year


The new year has taken off with a rush: Monday 8th: SL Klingons away v EI Titans; close result 7-7, shots 104-104. Winners: Kath Reid, Neil Morrison, Ian Kenyon 25-12, Lynne Morris, Ray Clarke, Tom Hill 25-8, Janet McEneany, Ann Holland, Peter McEneany 17-15.

SL Trekkers; good result home v LM Pathfinders 11-3, shots 125-76. Winners: Ros Holmes, Barry Edwards, Brian Pocock 18-18, Allen Bowen, Peter Fuller, Suzi Cooper 16-11, Helen Hammond, Barry Roseveare, Scott Malden 37-7, Shirley Verity, Jo & Jules Pering 21-9, Margaret Roseveare, Mike Smith, Derrick Cooper 19-11.

SL Vulcans, v SL Romulans, good result 11-3, shots115-81. Winners: Ian Ross, Chris Jackson, Brenda Brown 17-13, James Wright, Dave Tilley, Geoff Shand 20-16, Walter Lang, Sue Ross, Babs Shand 18-15 Dennis Jackson, Cas Blay, Drew Russell 30-4, Ray Whatmough, Derek Barker, Dave Steadman 14-14.

SL Romulans winners: Sharon Mitchell, Chris Phillips, Geoff Francis 19-16, Rhys Davies, Robert Bruce, Malcolm Ayton 14-14.

Wednesday 10th Winter League away v La Marina; very close result 6-6, shots 78-79. Winners: Lynne Morris, June Jones, Peter McEneany, Keith Jones 19-9, Shirley Verity, Ray Clarke, Jules Pering, Russell Marks 13-12, Kath Reid, Neil Morrison, Scott Malden, Ian Kenyon 18-13. A friendly instead of the Berleen match, Winners: Ann Holland, Sheila Cammack, Jo Pering, Vic Slater 18-11.

FED 4’s league Thursday 11th SL Ospreys away v EI Leprechauns, good result 6-2, shots 54-40. Winners: Shirley Verity, Sheila Cammack, Roy Cordell, Keith Jones 23-7, Pam Lockett, June Jones, Scott Malden, Mal Hughes 22-12.

Friday 12th Southern League: SL Lions, away v EI Cavaliers, another close result 7-7, shots 95-103. Winners: Margaret Morrison, Ann Holland, Roy Cordell 20-15, Lynne Morris, Ray Clarke, Tom Hill 19-14, Pam Lockett, June & Keith Jones 20-14, Kath Reid, Neil Morrison, Ian Kenyon 16-16.

SL Tigers home v San Miguel Cougars useful points, 9-5, shots 127-69. Beryl Regan, Marina Beardsall, Mike Reagan 26-4, Jan Pocock, Les Bedford, Brian Pocock 22-9, Helen Hammond, Barry Roseveare, Scott Malden 35-5, Irene Everett, Bill Webb, Vic Slater 18-18.

SL Leopards; v SL Pumas 12-2, shots 135-88. Winners: Pat Tilley, Brenda Brown, Babs Shand 21-12, Audrey Ford, Margaret Clarke, Charlie Marigold 24-18, James Wright, Kath Waywell, Bob Bromley 29-11, Ray Watmough, Marie Henly, Dave Steadman 16-14, Derek Barker, Chris Jackson, Drew Russell 30-11.

SL Pumas winners: Pat Barnes, Ralph Jones, Harry Epsom 22-15.

Club information: www.sanluisbowls.byethost7.com or contact June Jones, Club Captain: 691903773.

Sheila Cammack.