Brand new carol for Crescendo

Brand new carol for Crescendo
Brand new carol for Crescendo

At their Christmas concerts in December, Crescendo International Choir sang a brand new carol written specially for them.

The choirs’ accompanist Antonio Guillen Posteguillo set to music a Christmas poem written by choir member Margot Gay entitled “Christmas time is here” Margot and her husband Richard joined Crescendo in 2005 shortly after moving to Spain. Sadly, Richard died in November 2013 and the carol is dedicated to his memory as he was known as ‘Papa Noel’ to everyone in Dolores.

Toni is a very experienced pianist and composer and has been the accompanist for Crescendo for several years.

Margot is becoming quite well known for her poems and short stories published in local papers and magazines. (Look out for a story entitled ‘Santa Claus in Spain’ in the Christmas edition of TV Choice)