Mojácar opens 5th National Assembly Of The Most Beautiful Towns And Villages In Spain

Mojácar opens 5th National Assembly Of The Most Beautiful Towns And Villages In Spain
Mojácar opens 5th National Assembly Of The Most Beautiful Towns And Villages In Spain

Mojácar’s Mayor, Rosmari Cano, along with the Vice President of the Almería’s Provincial Diputación and Francisco Mestre, the President of the Association of the Most Beautiful Towns and Villages in Spain, inaugurated the Association’s National Assembly which took place in Mojácar over the past weekend.

The Mayor, after welcoming all the attendees, stressed how important these assemblies are to those who belong to the Association, providing a dynamic forum in which Councillors from all over Spain can share experiences as well as get to know each other, whilst working within their own Brand Spain quality seal.

During the working sessions held at Mojácar’s Parador Hotel, a report was given on this year’s activities, along with a presentation on objectives for 2018. Amongst the plans are promotions for events such as La Noche Romántica and the four Ethnographic Festivals, as well as putting into action decisions made at the recent Senate Conference, including the important issues surrounding rural Spain. 

A reservation centre with a designated website is also on line for the coming year, as well as trips between the towns and villages in the Association, tourist packages and a new guidebook.  In addition to this joint collaboration work, the Association has agreements with Turespaña, with a presence on their official stands and joint attendance at international fairs.

Francisco Mestre presented the network’s 11 new municipalities at the press conference given to Almería’s media, places that will soon see all their promotional material in Tourism Offices and could see their visitor levels multiply ten times within two to three years. The new members are; Segura de la Sierra, Mondoñedo, Ledesma, Briones, Lerma, Castro Caldelas, Almonaster La Real, Mirambel, Guadalupe, Zahara de la Sierra and Bubion.