Hondón Valley Branch Of The Royal British Legion

Hondón Valley Branch Of The Royal British Legion
Hondón Valley Branch Of The Royal British Legion

The Branch Remembrance Service was held in the Cultural Centre at Hondón de los Frailes.  It was a beautiful sunny day and members, friends and guests were joined with other nationalities for the Service, which was lead by the Father Ray Andrews.  Once again the Spanish Choir sang songs especially written for the occasion.

Victor Ramirez Segura, the local European Councillor from the town’s Ayuntamiento read one of the lessons. Following the Service wreaths, flowers and crosses were laid in front of the War Memorial where we were joined by a representative from the NATO base at Albacete.   A very poignant morning.

The Branch are organising an extensive programme of events for 2018  and anyone who would like to come along and get involved in all the activities will be made most welcome.  We have new members joining each month and you do not need to have been connected with the Armed Forces to take advantage of all the social activities. 

For further information, please contact the Secretary on   secretary.hondonvalley3577@gmail.com or visit our website: www.britishlegion.org.uk/branches/hondon-valley