Octogenarian wins Eurogolf Monthly Stableford

If you would like to play with Eurogolf at La Marquesa Tuesdays and Thursdays please visit the website www.eurogolf-quesada.co.uk
If you would like to play with Eurogolf at La Marquesa Tuesdays and Thursdays please visit the website www.eurogolf-quesada.co.uk

On Thursday 16th November 64 players took part in Eurogolf´s monthly stableford off the plates and 1 of our many octogenarians won with a magnificent 40 points.

The results were Cat1 1st Malcolm Foskett 37 2nd  David Gregson 34 3rd Arty Crammon 32  Cat 2 1st Caryn Van de Kruijs 37 2nd David Blanchette 35 c/b  3rd Bob Shorley 35 Cat 3 1st Colin Hobden38 2nd Ray Porter 33 3rd David Valentine 32 Cat 4 1st Peter Sanderson 40 2nd Pam Welsh 38 3rd John Hill 35 Overall winner Peter Sanderson

Best front 9 Harry Armstrong 20 Best back 9 Kevin Bonser 19  NTPs  5th Peter Richards 11th Peter Cleaver 12th in 2 John Barraclough 15th Jeff Lynch 17th Claire Daye Gretton Best guest Georgia Richards Football draw Peter Sanderson David Lewis George McCallum Arty Crammon and Norman Woods. Last weeks poppy day raised €704 for the RBL.


On Tuesday 14th November Toffs played their normal stableford and the results were Cat 1 (0-15) 1st George McCallum 41 2nd Glyn Roberts 37 c/b  3rd  Malcolm Foskett 37  Cat 2 (16-22) 1st John Kirkwood 41 2nd Harry Armstrong  36 c/b  3rd Dave Nichols 36 Cat 3 (23-28) 1st Kevin Bonser 39 c/b 2nd Bruce Gordoin 39 3rd Ken Brett 34  Cat 4 (29 +) 1st Sue Pegg 33 c/b 2nd Pete Sanderson 33 3rd Lauraine Walker 30

Overall Toffs winner George McCallum  Best front 9 John Fairhurst 19 Best back 9 Robin Richards 21 NTPs  5th Kevin Bonser 11th George McCallum 12th in 2 Malcolm Foskett 15th Bert Lawson 17th Glyn Roberts Best guest B. Nichols 33 Football John Kirkwood Bev Fairhurst Morag Turner Colin Hobden and Chris Stanley. 

If you would like to play with Eurogolf at La Marquesa Tuesdays and Thursdays please visit the website www.eurogolf-quesada.co.uk