Bust of Gabriel Miró restored

Bust of Gabriel Miró restored

The bust of the Alicante born Spanish writer Gabriel Miró has recently been restored and on Sunday the Mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, presided over its unveiling.

Bascuñana said that “Gabriel Miró was a remarkable influence in the work of poet Miguel Hernández” and he was delighted to be able to pay tribute to the author in the Plaza Glorieta Gabriel Miró, the Orihuela Park that has taken his name.

The mayor was accompanied by the Councilor for Historical Heritage, Rafael Almagro, as well as the mayor of La Union, Pedro López, and the Councilor for Culture of Cartagena, David Martínez.

Bust of Gabriel Miró restored

He said that “we must continue to celebrate the cultural ties that we have with other cities and municipalities which enhance the culture of Orihuela, as we are very fortunate to have this heritage and cultural legacy.”