Eurogolf Monthly Stabledord And Jubilee Cup

Eurogolf Monthly Stabledord And Jubilee Cup

On Thursday 26th October Eurogolf played their monthly stableford  off the plates for the Jubilee Cup. The results were  Cat 1 (0-16) 1st Peter Cleaver 36 2nd  Bob Buckeridge 35 c/b 3rd George McCallum 35 Cat 2 (17-25) 1st Clive Horne 35 c/b 2nd Ian Pegg 35 3rd Martin Welsh 33  Cat 3 (26-31) 1st Debbie Weedon 38

2nd Angelique Berndt 37 3rd Colin Hobden36 Cat 4 (32+) 1st Peter Saunders 35 c/b 2nd Lauraine Walker 35 3rd Monique Reeve 32 October stableford  and Jubilee Cup winner Debbie Weedon   NTPs  5th  Gary Grierson 11th Glen Roberts  12th in 2  Bill Martin 15th Glen Roberts 17th John Barraclough  Best front 9 Mike Ivory 18 Best back 9 Pam Welsh 20 Best guest Diana Bailey  Football Dave Lewis Frank Henry Monique Reeve George McCallum and Susie Crammon


On Tuesday 24th  October  Toffs played their normal  stableford competition and the results were .Cat 1 (0-15) 1st Malcolm Foskett 34 c/b 2nd Alan Caithness 34 3rd  Glynn Roberts 33 Cat 2 (16-22)  1st Gary Grierson 40 2nd Craig Hall 37 3rd Sayers 36 Cat 3 (23-28)  1st John Hill 34 2nd Bruce Gordon 33 c/b 3rd Ed Silvester 33 Cat 4 (26+) 1st Gordon White 37 2ndPete Sanderson 35 3rd Cindi Green 33

Best guests 1st Andrew Mallon 35 2nd Paul Howe 33 Overall Toffs winner Gary Grierson 40  Best front 9 Hedy Paeligh 20 Best back 9 Martin Welsh 20  NTPs 5th Steve Sayers 11th Gordon Bourne  12th in 2 David Gregson 15th P. Howe 17th D. Wickenden  

Football draw Glo Manning Dave Morgan Ken Brett Martin Welsh and Tony Stanley.  If you would like to play at La Marquesa Tuesdays and Thursdays with one of the largest societies on the Costa Blanca please visit the website