The Med Bar golf society, El Raso, Vistabella 20/10/17

We raised a total of 2,607.50 Euros for cancer research

The Med Bar golf society decided a long time ago to organise this day in honour of our founder member, ivie Davies who sadly passed away due to cancer, a year ago today. We invited friends and family to join in on the day and got Laurie, ivies stepson, to hit the first ball off the tee.

On arriving back at the med bar bistro, all the prizes for the raffle had been set up by Linda, Jan and Brian and the local radio station, big FM, had set up and was happily broadcasting, we also had free entertainment from Johnny Scott & Greg Banis .

We also had a raffle and auction from donations given by society members, local bars and businesses from around the area. On the back of this we raised a total of 2,607.50 Euros for cancer research.

Many thanks also to DI and family for donating the winning trophy which we will now play for yearly

 Many thanks to bill martin for donating the trophy`s on the day, he liked them so much he won one back.

Results for this outing:

Gold division winner and overall winner – with 39 points on count back ray Muttock

Runner up-bill martin with 31 points

Silver division winner – roger Clarke 35 points

Runner up – Robert Litton 34 points

Best guest George mc mulled 31 points

Nearest the pins on par 3`s: bill martin, buck taylor & Robert Litton

Nearest pin in 2 on par 4: ray Muttock

Nearest the pin in 3 on par 5: Andrew Drinkall

2`s pot, ave capper, bill martin & George mc mulled

The wilderness award went to john Mackie

Football card winners: ray mattock, Alan H, bill martin & buck Taylor

Thanks to Steve and his staff at the med bar and bistro, our next outing is at alterreal 8/11/17 where we will be playing for the Andrew kelso memorial trophy

Anyone wishing to join our society is welcome and we can either be contacted by e-mail at: or pop into the bar where all details can be left and we will get in touch with you