Spangles Represent Spain In Bournemouth

Spangles Represent Spain In Bournemouth

Spangles Ladies’ Harmony Chorus swaps the sunny shores of Los Alcázares for those of Bournemouth, Dorset in the UK, to represent SABS (the Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers) at the European Barbershop Convention this week, which is attended by around 4,000 delegates from all over Europe.

 “It’s a great honour to represent our country again” remarked Co-Chorus Manager, Lyn Baines. “and we have been working very hard to give our best performance on the European stage.” Spangles will also be accompanied by the SABS Gold Medallists, The Hanfris Quartet, from Barcelona and they are looking forward to cheering each other on in the European contests.

Spangles has won the SABS gold medal three times, once in 2011 in San Pedro del Pinatar and again in 2013 and 2015 in Benalmádena. “All this costs money” said Co-Chorus Manager, Anthea Prentice, “but we have an excellent fundraising team who have put on events to raise money to help us with travel and accommodation costs for Bournemouth, and now we are fundraising for the cost of competing in Benalmádena in 2018. We’re extremely grateful to all our friends, family and followers for supporting us at the fundraising events.”

Spangles’ Musical Director, Wendy Grant, is also looking forward to the trip. “I am very proud of the chorus; they are a dedicated team of friendly ladies, who have given their all for this opportunity and it will be a pleasure to share this experience with them. Each time we compete, our aim is to improve on our previous score and we are confident that we will do that and represent Spain well.”

Spangles welcomes new members so, if you’re looking to make new friends and enjoy singing, why not visit Spangles when they rehearse at Las Claras? They meet every Thursday from 10.00am to 1.00pm.

Please call Lyn on 693 017 617 or Anthea on 968 527 334 to book Spangles or to find out how to join, or visit the website: