Soup and Sandwiches for the Poppy Appeal

Soup and Sandwiches for the Poppy Appeal

If you attended June Williams Fundraiser for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal this time last year then I am sure that you will want to go again. I’m told that her ‘Soup and Sandwich’ afternoon achieved a great deal of support and is still spoken about to this day.

However I can only assume that it was her jokes that achieved the notoriety as even I can make a sandwich!

The event is taking place this coming Friday 20th October from 1 – 5pm at No 25 C/Caliza in La Regia, which is just off C/Ortosa at the roundabout, 250 mtrs above Pizzeria El Gato in San José ll, Fase 1

All are welcome and more information can be obtained from June on 966 846 576