Summer Party for Hondon RBL


The Hondón Valley Branch of The Royal British Legion held a Summer Party at Bistro Rikki in Aspe.  It was a newly opened venue and the owners were very supportive.

120  members and friends attended and enjoyed a delicious meal followed by entertainment from member Dave Sparks ie. Sparky DJ Disco Roadshow and presenting the Dee Show – local female vocal artist. Dave as Captain Horatio amused us with ancient mariners songs and the like.  A real treat.

Thanks goes to Lucy and Neil for organising such a great evening and for their Bazaar where you could charm a snake or two, throw a spear and win a mystery prize.

Arrangements are well advanced for the Branch Poppy Ball to be held at Ya Restaurant in Aspe on Friday 3rd November.  Superb menu available together with great entertainment.  For more information please email Neil on

To find out more about the Hondón Valley Branch, please contact the secretary on     or ring 865 666 158  Alternatively visit our website: