Montgo Scramble at Oliva Nova


On Friday 8th September Montgo Golf Society played a four man texas scramble at Oliva Nova.  This week was sponsored by our French contingent Elizabeth and Michele Grin.

The course was undergoing maintenance works this week so our numbers were unsurprisingly a  little low.  We had six teams competing for prizes down to third place so at least half the field went home happy. Especially as the prizes consisted of alcohol, new balls and chocolate.

Taking top spot were Geoff Willcock, Celia Cronin, Russ Peters and Elizabeth Grin with 58.7 points.  They claimed the new style hollow tined greens were easy to putt on…a feat they alone seemed to conquer.

Runners up were Michel Grin, Richard Morris, Derek Hall and Graham Borley.  Whilst third place was taken by a three man team of Keith Cottrell, Shaun O’Gorman and Peter Gardiner.

The remaining two prizes were kept in the family with Sally Cottrell taking NTP on the 11th and Keith Cottrell taking NTP with 2nd shot on the 5th.  This was an unusual prize for a scramble as it was Shaun’s drive almost to the green that gave Keith the opportunity to chip to 1.11m of the pin.  Sadly for Shaun only one prize was awarded.  It has not been disclosed if Keith shared that prize.

I must also mention that it is society policy not to award 2s during scramble formats.  The vice captain did fleetingly attempt to overrule this to reward the only two of the day, but following a minor revolution in the ranks the decision was overturned. 

As our sponsors were both in winning teams their prizes were distributed via a card draw.

Next week our stableford game will be sponsored by Jim and Ross Fletcher.