Fundraisers donate over 2600€ to Pink Ladies

Karen Williams, Willie Thorn and wife Jill

A fantastic weekend of golf and entertainment with snooker ace Willie Thorne, was accomplished by John Williams and his Mum Karen (Pink Ladies secretary) from Evolution Bar, La Fuente, raising money for the AECC Maria and the Pink Ladies/Panthers.

The two day spectacular started with breakfast at the bar before the 50 golfers made the trip to Lo Romero to take part in a Texas Scramble tournament. Willie played one hole with each of the twelve teams.

Head shave presentation

Whilst the golfers were busy trying to win, come rain or shine, the ladies took part in a Bucks Fizz brunch at Evolution. A delicious taster menu was served whilst listening to the talented Just Ollie. Willie and the golfers returned to join the ladies for a relaxed afternoon of food and drink, a raffle and a chance to chat to Willie and his lovely wife Jill.

Sunday evening saw the continuation of the charity event at Fairways Restaurant, Villa Martin Plaza, hosted by Roy and Karen. Diners were greeted with cava and canapes followed by a delicious three course meal.

Throughout the evening Willie kept the guests entertained with stories and antidotes, and presented the prizes to the winning golfers.

After the auction of snooker memorabilia, Chloe Leigh had the crowd dancing the night away. Karen and John would like to thank Willie and Jill Thorne, Roy and Karen of Fairways, Gavin from Albatross Golf, to name but a few, and to all who took part and helped to raise €1,300.

A huge congratulations and well done to, Dominique Le Gac, Paul Dowinton and Brian Shephard. These three very brave people had their heads shaved in memory of family they had each lost to cancer.

The event took place on the 16th of July at Hermanos Bar, Playa Flamenca C.C, with an afternoon of entertainment and a Pink Ladies raffle. Steve (Shaftoe) the Barber very kindly donated his time for free and rid the brave trio of their locks!

A cheque of 1,365€ was presented to Maria and the Pink Ladies and Panthers, money collected on the day of the head shave and through sponsorship and donations. 

Thank you, as always, for supporting Maria and the Pink Ladies and Panthers and the AECC.