SMGS Presidents Stableford Trophy.


Nearly forty members and guests turned up in very hot weather, with the afternoon breeze being very welcome. 

La Finca seems to me trying to put of societies from playing there as the course was set up to play so long with only 10 players breaking 30points and also there policy of no discount for those who prefer to walk and no societies welcome in the high season.

Prizes were as follows:- NTP prizes went to Norman Cahill (3), Darren Hancock (6), Norman Cahill (13) & Tony Smale(16).

David Bryant 35 points securing him the top visitor’s accolade with John Humphrey second with 32 points.

Bronze Category Kyree Skarsmoen 3rd with 26points, Chris Hamblett with 28 points was 2nd and 1st with 30 points was KeithStevenson.
Silver category winners were Ken Flahertyt in 3rd 31points, Phil deLacy 2nd with 34 points and first was Norman Cahill with his 36 points. 
Gold category winners were Graham Temple with 32 points, Tony Smale 2nd with34 points and 1st with 36 points Barry Roehrig.

The Abacus was won by Mick Roscoe as the two below him were not present.

Our thanks go to the staff at Cascada Bar for the refreshments after the game of which Norman and Keith really enjoyed!

Please feel free to visit or give Barry a ring on 966 731 033 to find out any society business plus details of future Wednesday meetings…also watch out for all the details for Captain’s day and night in late September, remember to book early and visitors are always welcome.