
I’m no expert but on the face of it’ I can only assume Murcia, Cartagena & Costas have joined forces to buck International wisdom by attempting to create the first ever man-made mosquito farm in Los Nietos, Mar Menor. 


We are a stoic lot on this side of the Mar Menor pond; whereas we have a celebratory drink on the annual announcement of the replacement of our apocalyptic promenades & beaches but more in the knowledge the drink will numb the pain when the money evaporates & nothing is done, we salute the unashamed gall of officialdom suggesting ‘’something must be done!!’’ each time heavy rain brings farming waste through our town, beach & into the Mar Menor.. and even tip our imaginary caps on the suggestion of water taxi’s & incredulous lack of commercial sense in not taking advantage of our placid town with direct FEVE (Train) line link to Cartagena. 

Caution for sludge!

But this time the great & the good seem to have outdone themselves by creating a perfect breeding ground for mosquitos..’ Now I don’t wish to come across as a totally negative, as to be fair they did send a cleaning crew fully equipped with wellies, buckets & spades (my 7 year old nieces we’re very envious of an opportunity missed) & they’ve even gone to the trouble of placed signage in Spanish & English confirming “CAUTION FOR SLUDGE” which for me at least deserves a bow & this year’s award for ‘’stating the bleeding obvious!’’ but alas.. not a blue flag this year, yet again…

Michael Reeve