Unfortunately, due to illnesses of wives and pets, a slightly depleted field met in scorching temperatures to compete for the President’s trophy at the incomparable lo Romero course.

The two runners up, Pete Wootton  with 39 points and Geoff Ettridge with 37 points might, on another day, have been winners, but for the second year running, Sarah McCabe produced a handicap-busting round, accumulating 43 points to re-take the trophy. A brilliant round in difficult conditions.

Winners of nearest the pins were Norman Pickett and two to Graeme Buchannan.

Prize -giving was delayed until the excellent dinner/ dance at the la marina sports centre where a very tasty 3-course meal was served by Helena and her staff. Music was provided by the classy diverse duo and I’m pleased to report that some people fell over each other to reach the dance floor.

Our next meeting is at Vistabella on 6th July, first tee 0928 at a cost of 35euros. The list is on the board as usual or contact Alan Craig on 634 347 788 or

Finally thanks to all who made the evening a success.