March for Cudeca

Benalmádena, 25th May 2017

On Sunday 21 May, Cudeca Cancer Care Hospice, together with 1,600 participants, celebrated its annual walk along Benalmádena seafront.

The solidarity campaign of CUDECA aims to raise awareness of its work as well as raising funds to cover the cost of its free Care Programmes provided by doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologists, physiotherapists and volunteers.

Every year CUDECA assists more than 1,300 people with cancer or other advanced non-curable illnesses with support to their family.  Since the charity was formed in 1992, Cudeca Foundation has cared for more than 13,000 people, with support to their families, completely free of charge.

Thanks to the affection and solidarity of the participants, friends, collaborators, sponsors and the effort of more than 100 fantastic volunteers, a collection of more than € 28,000 has been achieved.

The family and sports day was attended by numerous members of the corporation of the City of Benalmádena:  Víctor Navas, Mayor of Benalmádena, Ana Scherman, Counsellor for celebrations and Irene Díaz, Counsellor for Social Welfare.  In addition, Paloma García, Vice President and delegate of Institutional Relations of Acosol was present, Enrique Sánchez, Director of the CaixaBank office in Benalmádena Costa.  Present from Cudeca Foundation were, Dr. Marisa Martín, Chief Executive & Medical Director and Rafael Olalla, Deputy Chief Executive Manager and Financial Director.

At the seafront participants could enjoy activities for the whole family courtesy of Exploramas, inflatable castle courtesy of Zimmerman Castles, 3 charity paellas cooked by a team of volunteers together with the restaurant Los Mellizos, a raffle with great prizes, and a large stand Courtesy of Coca Cola and many more surprises.  Also there were live performances by Mel Williams, the belly dance group “Naima”, R-Jay, Motown & R’N’B, DJ Buyo and Consuelo Lallay.  Carolina Martín, physiotherapist of Cudeca, gave a warm up session so that participants were prepared and relaxed.  

The prize for the highest sponsors went to Bente and Kim Gottlieb, undisputed winners who repeated for one more year, received a prize of 7 nights accommodation in Portugal by courtesy of Diamond Resorts International; the second prize went to Soroptimist, who received a medical check-up valued € 1,000 courtesy of Vithas Xanit International Hospital; in third place was Cudeca volunteer Chris Knapp who won a 2 night stay at the Sunset Beach Club hotel in Ireland.

The winners to the largest group were Jacaranda School in Benalmádena, which received a prize of free tickets to the main leisure centers of Malaga.

If you wish, it is still possible for you to make a donation to the Cudeca – Walkathon at www.cudeca-eventos.org or in Row 0 La Caixa ES48 2100 7681 3523 00060031.

We wholeheartedly welcome the support of all institutions, companies, people and, above all, the incredible volunteers who help us achieve our goal: to help many people at the end of life with our special way of caring.


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