Embalse de Beniarres

The club fished its annual Pairs Competition at the Embalse de Beniarres on 25th May. We found the water several metres higher than on our last visit.

The previous match stretch was well under water causing us to confine ourselves to a short peninsula. Most swims dropped immediately to over 7m depth with snaggy bottoms. Although carp were topping it proved difficult to induce them to feed high or low. Jack Burrelly had a small bank before him and using the short pole with paste wrapped corn caught small carp steadily to weigh in 7.72Kg. His pairs partner Jackie Breslin managed 1.48kg whilst no-one else caught.

Not in the match, Ann Fowles caught her very first Zander. The venue looked idyllic in the sunshine as the temperature climbed to above 30°C.

Further information about the club can be found on its website or on our Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.