Photo  Everyones  a Winner

Back to our home course  Vistabella for our May Home game with 20 players. Weather very good, course very green and good, greens Ok after a couple of weeks since being hollow tyned.

Some very good scores returned with Dom Downey coming in with 35 points to take first place in the Gold Category. Second place went to Ron Chambers with 33 points and third place went to Liam Foley with 31 points  In the Silver Category scoring was not as good with 27 points taking First place from Malcolm Woods.

In Second place was Harry McKinnon with 25 points and in Third place Geoff Wild with 24 points. Only two greens were hit for Nearest the Pins with Hole 8 going to Dom Downey and Hole 15 Ron Swift who also won the Longest Drive. The best Guest was Chris Johnson. Tuesday 23rd we are going to Hacienda Requelme first tee 09.57. Please try to be there for 09.00am.

After the game we went back to Bar Patricia on Torreta 3 ( As Charlies bar has Closed ) and had a Lovely Chicken Curry  with Rice. A big thank-you to Chris for this, and allowing us to use your bar as our base.  Anyone who would like to play with us give Ron a ring on 678 849 142 or email