Campoverde Theatre Group are  busy rehearsing for their next Supper Show, The Good Old Days to be performed on the Wednesday the 3rd, Thursday 4th and Friday 5th of May at the Fiesta Plaza, formally known as Breakaways, Calle Republica Dominica, Urb. Pueblo Principe. The audience will be able to enjoy a one course meal then sit back and enjoy a night of Olde Tyme Music Hall featuring dance, music, sketches and well known songs from the Edwardian period.

This promises to be a fun filled evening where audience participation is actively encouraged. Come along dressed in typical Olde Tyme Music Hall dress, long dresses, fancy hats etc end sing along with songs that will remind you of family parties of long ago when your parents would sing songs that have stood the test of time. Prizes will be given to the member of the audience in the best Olde Tyme dress.

Campoverde Theatre Group donated over 2500€ to local charities last year and the proceeds of this show will go to a very worthwhile local charity, Help at Home that offers invaluable help to local residents who are ill, need short term help, transport to health services, hospital visiting; and much more. Co9me along and help us raise funds for this very worthwhile charity.

Tickets are available from the Ticket Line:  or telephone : 626 772 256. You can also purchase tickets directly from The Book Shop, San Miguel or why not drop into the Community Centre, Blue Lagoon (Monday and Wednesday 2-4 pm).