The seventh match of the Spring Series was fished at the Embalse de Argos on a beautiful Spring day. When we arrived, it was a little chilly but with fish topping we expected a good day. However, for many anglers it turned out to be very frustrating, with many fish being hooked and then lost. First was Dave Hoare won with 35.81 kg of carp caught using his favourite feeder and pellet method with Steve Fell second with 15.68 kg who was using feeder with corn and maggots. Third was Tom Marshall with 9.55 kg and fourth was Roy Buttress with 8.31 kg.

It is pleasing to report that in recent weeks we have taken on several new members, some of whom are novices. As a result, over the last few weeks, the club has been running beginner’s sessions, which have been well received. The clubs next meeting will be on Sunday 16th April at the usual meeting place.

Further information about the club can be found on its website or on our Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.

The club is currently looking for new members and anyone interested can contact us through the Facebook page, the website or calling the club secretary, Steve Fell, on 634379081.