Photo. Gold category winners.

Almost 40 members and a couple of guests made their way across the city of Alicante to play the final rounds of our Order of Merit and Player of the month Competitions. The Winners of these will be presented with their Trophies at our A.G.M. on the 12/4/17 at La Marquesa where light refreshments will be available to our members.

Back to today’s competition, the course was in good condition except for some of the greens, one can imagine that this damage was caused by the recent storms in Alicante but it must be said that the green keeping staff have done a fantastic job in getting back to near its best so soon.

It seems that the conditions proved to be perfect for the lower handicappers of the Society, 36 points was needed to secure 3rd place (Bob Watson), and German member Gerd Cromm was 2nd with 38 points and Swedish member Norbert Spaniol 1st with 39 points. Silver category, 1st Sverre Sonesen 33 points, 2nd Alex Alm 31 points and 3rd Alan Rickers 30 points. Bronze category was won by Treasurer Alex Goslan, 36 points. 2nd Lars Jernberg 35 points and 3rd John Hillier 34 points. Best visitor S. Svensen 29 points. Ian Sutehall and Alex Goslan shared the €32 contained in the pot hole 3 and 17 respectively. N.T.P.’s hole 3 John Hillier, hole 6 Norbert Spaniol, hole 8 Natalia Allan, hole 12 Phil Boyling, hole 15 Joe Dean and hole 17 Alex Goslan.

Forthcoming event: Las Pinaillas (Albacete) Monday 8/5/17 Bus, green fee, buggy, comp. fee, meal all for just €65 interested? Visit www.tmgs.org or call 661 524 101 you can also book at www.facebook.com/TMGSGOLF