Our last meeting of the month saw 39 members and a couple of guests make the trek to Altoreal, a course that used to be quite a favourite on our regular circuit …… and it may well reclaim its previous popularity.

We were fortunate to be blessed with a gorgeous day which gave us wall-to-wall sunshine and only a light wind allowing both bronze and silver categories to each have their 1st and 2nd position players beating par, it was just the gold division that seemed to struggle a bit with a top score of 33. Congratulations (again!) must go to Keith for a magnificent 43 – which comes complete with a BIG trim !!

Results – Nearest the pins were Dave Blackburn (5) Alan McDonald (8) Norman Cahill (10) and Ivan Hanak (17).

Best front & back 9 but not in the prizes – Both with 19 points were Phil Birtwistle (front) and Tony Smale (back).

BRONZE – 5th Norman McBride (34c/b) 4th Paul Cobain (34c/b) 3rd Peter Cunniff (35) 2nd Norman Padmore (37) 1st Keith Stevenson (43).

SILVER – 5th Phil de Lacy (31c/b) 4th Hugh Reilly (31c/b) 3rd Alan McDonald (33)              2nd Colin Rust (37) 1st Norman Cahill (39).

GOLD – 5th Tony Sims (32c/b) 4th Barry Roehrig (32c/b) 3rd Robin Eastman (32c/b)     2nd John Osborne (32c/b) 1st John Aitchinson (33).

Our thanks go to all the team at Altoreal Golf for their help in making the day a success and if you wish to know more about the San Miguel Golf Society, please visit or telephone the Captain, Theo, on 694494824 to find out more about our weekly Wednesday meetings……next week we’re at Roda.