George Formby and Pat Howson

A George Formby singer-impersonator is wanted to play the part of the Wigan born ukulele star for the forthcoming film-documentary ‘Formby’s Lost Love’.

“We are in the process of looking for a George Formby lookalike-impersonator to play the role of singing some of his songs and playing the character of the fiance of Pat Howson,” said author of Formby’s Lost Love Andrew Atkinson.

Preston Movie Makers, an Independent Company, are to film Formby’s Lost Love, with the script taken from the book – of which The Queen has a copy and has acknowledged the Preston born author for his work.

Formby’s Lost Love tells the heartbreaking story of Formby’s death, following a heart attack, aged 56, days after his engagement to Howson on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 1961.

Preston born religious education teacher Howson passed away a little over a decade later, aged 46, in November, 1971, from ovarian cancer.

If you are interested in auditioning to play the role of Formby contact Andrew Atkinson on 07702340744 or email

The film/documentary Formby’s Lost Love follows two documentaries on the BBC, with an edition of The South Bank Show in 1992, and Frank Skinner on George Formby in 2011.